Y Service Club of Lumbini Nepal with total of 15 founding members was charted on October 12, 2019 at Red House Resort, Nawalparasi. It was fully sponsored by Y’s Men’s Club of Island East. Area President Elect (19-20) David Lua, District Governor Joan Wong, Past Area Treasurer & Past Regional Director James Kong, Asia Service Director Rose Yun and Island East Members came to officiate the event. We also had special guests : India Area President Va Thankachan, International Council Member Elect Joseph Kottooran, India Regional Director Ajith Babua and India Area Youth Leader Ms Swathy Krishna were coming to great our club members.
Community Service:
1. Education For ALL:
Project Goal: The main goal of project is Mainstreaming the Orphan, Semi Orphan , Children with disabilities, disaster victims, and Street Children by providing care, support & protection through shelter, food, warm clothes and education to change their lives.
Target group: Natural hazard victim children, Poor illiterate children, orphan children, Children with disabilities and needy children.
2. Covid-19 Response Program Emergency Relief and Education Project :
The Project of YSC Lumbini started on 6 April, 2020, aimed to support directly to low-income and daily-wage laborers families as well as differently abled families by distributing food, oils, bins/pulses, salt face masks, sanitizers etc. In the meantime, Club members educated people on the awareness of Covid-19 and personal hygiene via distribution of handbills.
Finally, Y Service club of Lumbini Nepal reached to target, 150 families, 900 people directly and more than 20,000 people indirectly. C-19 Cases are rapidly increasing in Nepal so we will continue the project.
COVID -19 and Natural Disaster Response Project( Cash Subsidy and Food Distribution Program) :Y Service Club of Lumbini Nepal ( Belongs to Hong Kong District) gave cash (NRS 2200.00 per person ) and essential foods to more than 200 low income , disabled and Flood/Landslide victim families as second stage project
3. Community Learning Centre
Project Goal:
1. To Provide vocational trainings to the needy women and people for empowerment like Beautician, English Language, Handicraft training Mobile Repair Training , Computer Training.
2. To bring a knowledge of computer among children who still don’t know even the meaning of computer, to infuse the knowledge of Information technology among children, make them enable to interact with computer and familiarize them with its uses in life.