Author Archives: admin
9月9日本社與新界東社於青年會粉嶺盛愛之家庇護工場舉行聯合迎月賀中秋活動,社長羅潤秀、前社長徐然然、前社長徐家勵和前社長方淑範代表本社出席。承蒙李道生執行幹事及工場霍主任之安排,一眾社友能了解工場運作及工友訓練、向工友派發月餅和水果、與工友們一起製作燈籠和合唱「月亮代表我的心」,渡過一個開心溫暖的中秋迎月日。臨別時,前社長方淑範文思澎湃,即席為工場作詩一首「盛愛之家壬寅中秋迎月」 活潑童心親友師 功能鍛鍊兩相宜 醒獅威舞少年美 庇護工場盛愛之
CP Frederick NG leaded fellow Y’s Men attended the District Joint Installation 2002-2003 Fellow Y’s Men attended the District Joint Installation 2002-2003
Nov 6, 2022 is a very special day and we have a wonderful 90th Anniversary Celebration Dinner full of LOVE and God’s blessings. We truly appreciate around 90 Fellow Y’s Men’s and guests join the event. Your participation and great support making it successful. We also want to thank our “Organizing Committee” and your hard […]
受惠機構: 基督教家庭服務中心翠林庇護工場 毛守救援
國際聯青社香港地區2022-2023聯合就職典禮於7月23日晚上順利完成。今年適逢國際聯青社(Y’s Men International)一百周年紀念,當晚邀得商務及經濟發展局副局長陳百里博士JP為主禮嘉賓,香港中華基督教青年會總幹事劉俊泉及香港基督教青年會總幹事何慶濂同時出席支持。典禮上香港地區職 … (節錄)
Y’s Men’s Club of New Territories West continues to organize and participate in different community public welfare activities with YMCA and other clubs and contributes to society. Our motto is a constant challenge to us to pay less need to our rights, and more to the discovery and discharge of their corresponding duties- to transfer […]