Hong Kong District
Under Construction
Y’s Men’s Club of Hong Kong was founded in 1932 as the second oldest service club in Hong Kong. English was chosen to be the Club’s official language.
The Club hosted the 1st Asia Area Conference in association with the Kowloon Y’s Men’s Club inNovember 1957. In its early days, the Club sponsored schools for ‘street kids’, often in partnership with the YMCA and the ‘Boys and Girls Clubs’. Other notable projects sponsored by the Club over the years included Chinese YMCA’s
youth camp facilities on the island of Wong Yi Chau, the ‘Physically Handicapped and the Able Bodied Project’,
Chinese culture lectures by ‘Hok Hoi Library’, the building of two new primary schools in Hupei Province in
mainland China and a charity concert to raise HK$1 million for the ‘Home of Loving Faithfulness’. While the ‘Y’s
Menettes Committee’ of the Club was replaced by the formation of the Y’s Men’s Club of Bauhinia in 1979, the
membership of the Hong Kong Club itself has been all men until 2001, when lady members were first admitted.
Many distinguished members from the Club have taken up posts at the international level such as International
Vice President (the late Y’s Man C S Lam), Area President (Y’s Man C L Kung) and Regional Directors (Y’s Men S
Y Lam, B L Wong, Tony Chan, Kenneth Sit, Cary Fung and David Wong).
In 2012, Hong Kong Club celebrated its 80th Anniversary. For the past eighty years Hong Kong Club has
brought up four generations of distinguished members. It might be the only service club in Hong Kong that
cultivated a tradition of succession. Many of the Club members’ Y’slings (children of Y’s Men) grew up with the
Club, and some of them have followed their fathers’ footsteps to join the Club. There have been 6 cases of Y’s
Man Benjamin Lam after Y’s Man CS, Y’s Man Eric Li after Y’s Man KH, Y’s Man David Wong after Y’s Man BL, Y’s
Man Jane Lam after Y’s Man SY, Y’s Man Kristine Chung after Y’s Man Robert and Y’s Man Cleo Ng after Y’s Man
Norman. A new generation of distinguished Y’s Men in their own rights. Also, there are husband and wife
members in the Club, Y’s Men Jennie and Shiu Lee and Y’s Men Alison and PL Lau.
Clubs chartered in 50s and 60s
Three other Y’s Men’s Clubs were chartered in the Hong Kong District during this period namely Kowloon,
Victoria and Tsuen Wan.
The Kowloon Club was chartered in 1952, and for many years operated a children’s welfare club in a
resettlement estate and provided scholarships for needy students and special Christmas programme for
patients of the Ruttonjee Geriatric Day Hospital. During SARS in 2003, the Club organized voluntary help to
clean the flats of the elderly living alone. In 2003-04, the Club helped set up the YMCA ‘FARM’ project, a
trendy flea market concept to develop the creative and entrepreneurial talents of youths. The Club nurtured
the 2nd Y’s Youth Club in Hong Kong, namely the Y’s Youth Club of Kowloon in 2010.
The Y’s Men’s Club of Victoria was chartered on July 6, 1962. In 1967, Victoria Club supported the
establishment of ‘Y’s Men’s Centre for the Deaf’. Since 1975, the Club also supported young deaf people to
join the ‘International Summer Camp for the Deaf’. Club Past President CHOU Wing-ping took up the post
of Asia President in 1998. In 2001 and 2002, Club members participated in environmental protection and
plantation programme in China and Hong Kong.
The Y’s Men’s Club of Tsuen Wan was chartered on June 16, 1967. It established brother clubbing with Y’s
Men’s Club of Osaka-Nishi in 1979, Y’s Men’s Club of Kaohsiung in 1989, and Y’s Men’s Club of Malaysia in
- It also sponsored the chartering of the Y’s Men’s Club of New Territories. It organized the first Canoeing
Competition in Hong Kong on January 1, 1968, and the first Dancing Competition in the New Territories in
- Due to a conflict at Tsuen Wan Club election, the board of directors was vacant during the year 2010/11
and the Tsuen Wan Club was dissolved in Hong Kong in the year 2011/12.
The Y’s Men’s Club of Peninsula was chartered on December 3, 1968. It served as a silent partner for the
Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong on various projects and community activities for the past 46 years. It is notable
that for the last 16 years, the Club participated in the fund raising project ‘Bike Marathon’ organized by the
Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong to raise funds for deprived students at Qingyuen in the Northern Guangdong
Province, China.
Clubs chartered in 70’s, 80’s and 90’s
After the chartering of the Y’s Men’s Club of Peninsula, there was a long period of time with no new extension.
On October 20, 1979, the first all ladies Club, Y’s Men’s Club of Bauhinia, was chartered in Asia.
Notable social service project in the club’s early year included sponsorship of a mini bus for transport of the
elderly in St James Settlement; and jointly with the Y’s Men’s Club of Hong Kong a mini bus for Mary Rose
School in 1997, and facilities for various social service agencies and schools including YMCA Wong Yi Chau
Youth Camp. For many years, the club provided scholarships and schooling related expenses for deprived
students and orphans in mainland China and paid visits to them. Bauhinia Club funded Chinese YMCA School
social work projects such as drug abuse awareness campaign for parents and students in 2009-2010 and out-
reaching team projects for youth. The club also sponsored Women’s Welfare Club Western District – Chung
Hok Social Centre for the Elderly “Living Alone Elderly Community Network“project in 2001. The aim was
to connect this group of lonely elderly with the society so that they felt loved and cared for. Since then, the
Women’s Welfare Club and the Bauhinia Y’s Men’s Club had jointly hosted Chinese New Year tea parties to
share festive joy and deliver festive gifts to them. From approximately a hundred beneficiaries, the number
had grown to 2000 elderly in 2014. The project won “The Best Social Service Programme Award” of the Y’s
Men International Hong Kong District in 2013-14.
The Bauhinia YMC has established triangular brother-clubbing with the Y’s Men’s Club of Osaka Centennial in
Japan and the Y’s Men’s and Women’s Club of Nuuanu in Hawaii in 1987. The ties proved strong and friendship
lasted over all these years.
The first club related directly to the YMCA of Hong Kong on Salisbury Road was the Y’s Men’s Club of Tsim
Sha Tsui, chartered on March 19, 1981. The Club consolidated and increased the participation in the District,
Regional, Area and International arena. The high point was the International Convention in 2000 held in Hong
Kong, when the Club’s Past Presidents took active roles as Chairman of Promotion Committee and Youth
Convocation, as well as MC at the Opening Ceremony.
With increased population in the new towns, the Y’s Men’s Club of New Territories was chartered on June
21, 1985. It has 2 IBCs with Y’s Men’s Club of Ping Tung – South MT, Taiwan, and Y’s Men’s Club of Han Yang,
Korea. In 1995, it built a primary school in Guangdong Province of China in relation to the Hope Project.
In recent years, it runs a youth exchange programme to enable youth in Hong Kong and China to share
experience and fellowship over a 4 – 5 day period.
The next club to join the District was the Y’s Men’s Club of Island South which was chartered on July 2, 1988.
It established brother clubbing with the Alpha Chapter of Singapore in 1992. The Club nurtured the 11th Y’s
Men’s Club in Hong Kong, namely the Y’s Men’s Club of Island East in 2001. It also nurtured the 1st Y’s Youth
Club in Hong Kong, namely the Y’s Youth Club of Island South in 2007. In 2010, the Y’s Men’s Club of Island
South found a new IBC with the International Association of Y’s Men’s Club Daegu Omega, Korea. The Club
sponsored a variety of programmes for children, youth and elderly people of the Community. From 2006
onwards, in recognition of its continuous and distinguished contributions to community and social service, the
Y’s Men’s Club of Island South was awarded the honour of the “10+ Caring Organisation” by the Hong Kong
Council of Social Service in 2015.
The Y’s Men’s Club of North West was chartered on March 17, 1997. One year later in 1998, North West Club
extended its service into Mainland China. It built 5 primary schools in mainland China to provide education
opportunities to deprived children. It also worked closely with other social organizations e.g. for the last
fourteen years, the Club and Lingnan University jointly organized the “Yuen Long and Tuen Mun District
Secondary schools Debate Competition”. Furthermore, it also organized sport activities such as football and
tennis matches with other social organizations in their district to foster relationship with different ministries.
North West Club will continue to support the Y’s Men Movement, to enhance their services, and to serve the
Clubs chartered since Year 2000
The Y’s Men’s Club of Island East was chartered on January 18, 2001 bringing the number of clubs in the Hong
Kong District to eleven at the very beginning of the new millennium. Club members, most living or working in
the Eastern District, sponsored a variety of programmes for children, youth and elderly people of the District.
In February 2004, the Club held a successful charity fund-raising dinner attended by 600 people. The Club also
participated in the fund raising project ‘Bike Marathon’ organized by the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong to raise
funds for the deprived students in Qingyuen in the Northern Guangdong Province, China.
In 2015, Island East Club became (IBC) International Brother’s Club with Tao Yuen Y’s Men Club of Taiwan and
signed treaty at the Asia Area Conference in Kyoto.
In 2018, Island East Club built strong inter-club link with Y’s Men Club of Yangcheng, Guangzhou since it was
established in 2018.
PCP/IPRD Raymond Yeung passed away on Friday, April 16, 2010 in the term of IPRD. He was the chartered
member of Island East Club since 2000 and had been an active member of the club throughout his years as a Y’s
Man. We remember with gratitude his commitment to promoting Y’sdom in the community. His modesty and
kindness will be greatly missed by many fellow Y’s Men.
Since the unveiling of the 21st century, the Hong Kong District has made an unprecedented move by expanding
its territories to embrace Macau and to reach out for the youths.
The Y’s Men’s Club of Macau was chartered in 2006. The primary function of the Club was to support YMCA
of Macau in pursuing their activities. Apart from this, it supported the Y’s Men Movement to enhance their
services to the communities. It also cared for the growth of teenagers. For last 5 years, the Club supported
the ‘School Campus Reporter’ project organized by Macau YMCA inviting teenagers to attend the monthly
meetings of the Club. It helped the children to understand the operation of Y’s Dom, and to enhance their
social network. The Southeast Asia Regional Conference 2007 was hosted by the Hong Kong District on May
25-27, 2007 in Macau. More than 11 participants from Overseas, and 50 participants from Hong Kong District
joined the event held in Macau Cultural Centre. Success of the conference was largely attributed to Macau
Club’s assistance in planning and organization. Well Done Macau Club!
The emergence of the Y’s Youth Club of Island South and Y’s Youth Club of Kowloon respectively in 2007
and 2010 have sown the seeds for the District’s succession planning. The Youth members were actively
participating in the District activities. Club members sponsored a variety of programmes for youth and elderly
people of the Community. Regrettably, due to age limitation on the members, the Y’s Youth Club of Island
South and Y’s Youth Club of Kowloon ceased its operations in July 2014.
In 2010, the establishment of the Y’s Men’s Club of New Territories West brought the 14th Y’s Men’s Club to
Hong Kong District’s big family. The Club had actively participated in the District activities. Club members
sponsored a variety of programmes for children, youth and elderly people of the Community.
Since 2011, due to vigorous collaborations among the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong and Guangzhou together
with the Y’s Men International, Hong Kong District, the Y’s Men’s Club of Guangzhou was eventually reinstated
on March 10, 2012. We are hopeful the spirit of Y’s Men Movement in China will continue and wishing the
Club every success in its future endeavours.
New Cross-border Extension in 2014 & 2019
Mongolian Christian Youth Association has established it’s first Y Service Club of Ulaanbaatar on 21st
September 2014. The Club was jointly sponsored by the Y’s Men’s Club of Tsim Sha Tsui and Tokyo Musashino
Tama. Y Service Club of Ulaanbaatar was temporarily placed under the administration of Hong Kong District.
In 2019, Y’s Men’s Club of Island East fully sponsored Y Service Club of Lumbini which was chartered on October 12 in Nepal with total of 15 chartered members. Y Service Club of Lumbini was also under the management of Hong Kong District.
New Club born in 2015
In 2015, the Y Service Club of New Tsuen Wan is going to be the 16th Club in Hong Kong District. The
sponsored Club was Y’s Men’s Club of Victoria. The Charter Night was scheduled to take place on 25th June
- On October 19, 2018, Y Service Club of New Tsuen Wan signed the IBC with YMC Kaohsiung- The Port, South District of Taiwan.
International Convention 2000 in Hong Kong
The Hong Kong District hosted the 64th International Convention 2000 at the Hong Kong Convention and
Exhibition Centre from August 3rd to 6th 2000, concurrent with the Youth Convocation 2000 held at the Wu
Kai Sha Youth Village, Shatin. PRD Kenneth Sit of the Y’s Men’s Club of Hong Kong took up the Chairmanship
of the IC2000 Host Committee, whilst Past Club President Rose Yun of the Y’s Men’s Club of Tsim Sha Tsui
took an active role as Chairman of Promotion Committee and the Youth Convocation. It was a successful and
memorable event in the history of the Hong Kong District and Y’s Men International.
Endowment Fund Honours
Endowment Fund contribution, nominated by the District, is to recognize distinguished service of nominated
Y’s Men. This honour was conferred in 1996 to PRD Andy Fu (PCP of Tsim Sha Tsui Club), in 1999 to PDHT Fred
Cheng (PCP of Island South Club) and in 2006 to PAP C L Kung (PP of Hon Kong Club) and PCP Eleanor Kung (PCP
of Bauhinia Club).
Hong Kong District Signature Project
The history of Hong Kong District cannot be completed without mentioning the annual ‘Chinese Speech
Contests’ sponsored by the Hong Kong District. This is one of the contests organized by Hong Kong Youth
Cultural & Arts Competitions Committee sponsored by Home Affairs Department of the Hong Kong SAR
Government in collaboration with community organizations. The annual ‘Chinese Speech Contests’ was
originally sponsored by Y’s Men’s Club of Victoria in 1975. The sponsorship was taken over by Hong Kong
District in the 90s. The Speech Contest and the preceding workshop help youth to develop public speaking
skills. Our active involvement in this event over the past 37 years helped to raise the visibility of the Y’s Men
movement in the community.
10+ Caring Organization Award
From 2006 in light of the continuous and distinguishable contributions to social activities, the Hong Kong
District was awarded the honour of the “10+ Caring Organisation” by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service.
Launched by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) in 2002, the Caring Company Scheme (the
Scheme) aims to foster strategic partnerships between the business and social service sectors to promote
good corporate citizenship and create a more inclusive society. The scheme also helps corporations and social
service organisations to know and understand each other at a deeper level. This will create more room for
working together to develop cross-sector community projects focusing on the needs of the community.
Under the Caring Company Scheme, a total of 2,768 companies/organisations were recognised earlier
this year. Of these awardees, 1,395 and 319 received the 5 Year Plus and 10 Year Plus Caring Company/
Organisation Logos respectively. This is an indication that local companies and organisations recognise the
concept of corporate social responsibility, and that more of them are willing to shoulder that responsibility in
order to build a better society in Hong Kong.
Compiled, written and updated by:
George W. Keitel, Past International President and Historian (1971);
Tony de Silva, District Service Director, (1997);
David Wong, District Governor, (2001-02);
Elsie Li Woo, District Governor, (2003-04)
Ngan Chiu Yee Alan, Deputy District Governor, (2011-12); and
Kong Tze Wing James, District Governor (2013-14) & (2014-15);
Chan Tak Wai Tony, District Governor (2017-18)
Wong Yan Yan Joan, District Governor (2019-2020)